Monday, May 4, 2009

this and that!!!

i really wish i could find out how to plACE my pictures right where i want them and then write next to them w/out the pictures and the lettering being all out of place - IS THERE A "HOW TO" ON doing this? LOL - sheeesh!! Below are just a few pictures of the THIS AND THAT - from this week end!!!


  1. Swimsuit! Totally not cool! I am still wearing a sweater today. Wishing for warmer weather.

  2. nice pics. is the chihuahua also yours?

  3. sometimes i use these sites as "HOW TO"'s...
    But i think it's easier to line up your pictures and words on the COMPOSE tab... i don't know if thats helpful to you!?

  4. I have had the same issue for five years now and have not found a fix. So they all get center alignment with text below and above. No matter what it looks like in the preview, trying to get text aligned alongside pics never quite works.

    Great pics BTW...


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